Resonance works with changemakers in the public and private sectors to solve pressing sustainability challenges, strengthen supply chains, and generate market opportunities.
Tetra Tech
Resonance, Winrock International, IRIS Group, Water for Life
January 2016 – December 2020
Tens of thousands of Tanzanians die every year from diarrheal disease. Most of these deaths can be linked to unclean water and poor sanitation. Despite continued development gains, over 23 million people in Tanzania lack access to clean water and almost twice this number do not use improved sanitation facilities. The country spends the majority of its health budget on preventable diseases linked to unsafe water and poor sanitation and hygiene.
The USAID/Tanzania Water Resources Integration Development Initiative (WARIDI), led by Tetra Tech, worked to extend access to clean water and improved sanitation for hard-to-reach communities in rural and peri-urban Tanzania. Resonance supported WARIDI by defining avenues for the project to work with private companies to make its water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) interventions more scalable, innovative, and sustainable.
Resonance worked through three primary workstreams:
During our time on WARIDI, we designed, built, and implemented 15 private-sector partnerships. These included:
Resonance launched a partnership with eWaterPay to pilot a smart meter technology that allows community members to pre-pay for water at water points using mobile money. This allows community members to pre-pay for water at water points using mobile money. The technology also ensures water revenue is tracked, accountable, and transparently used by water authorities to pay for needed maintenance and improvements to the water system. Resonance, WARIDI, and eWaterPay piloted the system in two communities, serving about 23,000 people.
LIXIL—which owns global brands such as American Standard, GROHE, and INAX—has developed a product line called SATO (“Safe Toilet”) for quality improved latrines priced at about $3.50-$5.00 in developing markets. SATO latrines are affordable and good quality, and they vastly improve user comfort and hygiene for basic pit latrines. WARIDI partnered with LIXIL to support distribution of SATO latrines in the rural and peri-urban areas served by the project.
Medentech’s Aquatabs is an effective, affordable water treatment (chlorination) product, used mainly at the household level or by relief agencies. However, Medentech has recently developed higher-capacity solutions, capable of treating water for entire water systems. WARIDI partnered with Medentech and Tanzanian community water authorities to pilot two such solutions—Aquatabs Flo and Aquatabs InLine—in the real-world context of a community water system serving 13,000 people.
For rural water authorities, accessing affordable finance for needed investments in water infrastructure is a serious challenge. is an international NGO focused on unlocking finance for improved water and sanitation, in partnership with local banks and financial institutions.
Under WARIDI, we explored the role of community-level microenterprises—i.e., pharmacies, hardware stores, and farm input shops—in expanding distribution and sale of WASH products in remote rural areas.
We selected and supported three WASH companies with promising products and interest in expanding their distribution channels in rural areas. These were LIXIL (maker of SATO improved latrines) and Anuflo Industries and Kasole Secrets (both manufacturers of menstrual hygiene products).
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