Adaptive Management

Helping partnerships make good on their potential, for transformative results on the ground.

We help you and your partners communicate effectively, maintain momentum, track your impact, and adjust in real-time to make the most of collaboration. 

Partnership Action Planning

We facilitate participatory action planning to help partners make concrete plans for goals, activities, and partner responsibilities. We then provide practical tools to help partners hold each other accountable and stay on track.

Partner Coordination

We act as a neutral third party and partnership champion to coordinate partner activities, facilitate communication and check-ins, and regularly engage in partnership troubleshooting.

Partnership Adaptive Management

Ambitious partnerships are never straightforward undertakings. Like any project to solve a complex problem, you must learn and pivot along the way. We help partners determine a feasible plan to define and track metrics for impact and partnership performance, and we facilitate adaptive management to adjust course and incorporate learnings over time.

Let’s solve your problem together.

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