Insights | Resonance

Evolved Evidence for Transformation (E4T) Services Discussed in this Installment of “Conversations that Resonate”

Written by Courtney Johnson-Woods | May 23, 2024

Resonance is excited to announce the progression of its Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning (MEL) services to meet growing and diverse client needs for evidence-based systems, tools, and approaches, and this comes with a name change. 

Evidence for Transformation, or E4T, will include MEL as a standalone service central to not only USAID projects as well as consulting work with the private sector, foundations, and partnerships, but is also available as part of a suite of integrative and evolved approaches. This includes in addition to MEL, Data & Analytics, Knowledge Management, and Change Management.

In this installment of our audio Insights, Conversations that Resonate, Director of E4T Monica Gadkari describes both the client-driven, needs-based validation for this evolved package of comprehensive services, including building the business case for impact work and investment that aligns with often ambitious but necessary commitments, goals, and roadmaps. She contextualizes the demands Resonance has identified across the challenge landscape that these comprehensive solutions address. For those seeking additional information, visit our website page to learn more about this package of services.  Be sure  to also check out our related Insights: