In our first installment of Conversations that Resonate, our new audio Insights series, Resonance Director of Technical Services Cara Hayes speaks to author, Marina Nitze about her recently published book, co-authored with fellow federal alum Nick Sinai, called “Hack Your Bureaucracy: Get Things Done No Matter What Your Role on Any Team.”
Marina was generous in sharing insights from her experience transforming bureaucratic systems in large government agencies like the VA that may have been blocking performance, as well as what she gleaned from others who were successfully hacking bureaucracy to deliver greater and more meaningful impact.
Marina aptly applies some of the most insightful strategies to our own work in global development and cross-sector partnerships, using real stories from her experience (and in the book) including “Setting your North,” “Finding your Paperclip,” and “Cultivating the Karass.” Regardless of your role, or team, Marina explains how changemakers can be bureaucracy hackers and transform ideas and initiatives.
Of special interest to our work and the work of our clients, Marina pulls from her experience and book examples to contextualize a question specific to the kind of change management challenges they are facing; specifically: "How can sustainability leaders generate internal alignment and educate senior leaders on critical topics - especially among those who might not want to be perceived as “being behind the curve?”
Listen in to learn more now, or bookmark today’s Insights and this installment of “Conversations that Resonate” for future listening so you don’t miss out.
To purchase Marina’s book, visit her official website with links to retailers. While you are there, learn more about the authors, and read their blog filled with advice on bureaucracy hacking.
To receive a transcript of this installment of “Conversations that Resonate” with Marina Nitze, or if you believe you have Insights related to your work (and ours!) that we might share with partners and followers, and would like to participate in a future installment, contact Courtney Johnson-Woods at